To begin the process to get your Algonquin College student ID (AC Card) and/or U-Pass, you must submit a color photo showing a full front view of your head and shoulders according to the requirements shown on this site.
By submitting a photo for your card(s) you agree this photo may be used by Algonquin College. Please contact Card Services if you have questions about this policy at 613-727-4723 x 7187 or
To begin, click on the “Get Started” button on the home page.

The above photos represent acceptable photos. Notice they are very similar in size and requirements of passport photos.
When taking your photo, please use the following as guidelines to ensure your photo is accepted:
- Background should be plain white or off-white
- Photos must be in color
- Should be taken directly facing camera (not a side-view)
- No sunglasses
- No headwear (unless religious purposes)
- High-resolution photography is strongly recommended
- Do not have any other object or person in the picture
- Photo must be taken in the last 6 months and must be in likeness of your current appearance
Have your picture taken according to the diagram below:
Once you have a taken a suitable photo, please proceed to Step 2. You will have the ability to crop your photo, if needed, in Step 3.
- To proceed to Step 2 you must select the “Terms” check box by clicking in the box on Step 1 of the photo upload site as shown below.
Click the “Continue to Step 2” button.
This page displays your account information used by the photo upload application:
Click on the “Choose File” button to browse for your photo. On mobile devices it will start your camera or open the file explorer app. If you’re using a computer, this will launch a dialog box in your browser. You can either take a picture with your mobile device or select the location of your file. Once you have selected the photo’s file location, select it by clicking on the “Open” button in the dialog box.
Click the “Continue to Step 3” button to upload your photo to the system.
You can use this tool to rotate, crop, or resize your photo. You will be able to compare your photo with a sample on Step 4. You can also remove the file and start over. Once you are satisfied, continue to Step 4.
Click the “Continue to Step 4” button.
Compare the sample card photo with your uploaded photo shown in the preview.
- Click on the button that answers the following question:
Does your photo look like the given example? Yes or No
- If you selected yes, continue to the next paragraph that explains your acceptance and understanding of submitting your photo using this on-line tool. You must select the check box by clicking in the box to continue with the photo upload process.
Click the “Continue to Step 5” button.
Click on the "Choose File" button to browse for your Government ID photo. On mobile devices it will start your camera or open the file explorer app. If you’re using a computer, this will launch a dialog box in your browser. You can take a picture with your mobile device or select the location of your file. Once you have selected the photo's file location, select it by clicking on the "Open" button in the dialog box.
- Click the "Continue to Step 6" button to upload your photo to the system.
You can rotate, crop, or resize your photo. After you are finished, you will be able to compare your photo with a sample on Step 4.
- Once you are satisfied, click the "Continue to Step 7" button.
Step 7 will display a sample driver's license ID card and preview of your government ID photo. Compare the sample ID photo with your uploaded ID photo shown. Your Government ID photo must show clear, legible information to verify your identity. This information will be deleted from the system once your photo submission is approved.
- Click on the button that answers the following question
Does your government ID clearly show the information to verify your identity as the given example? Yes or No
- If you select yes, continue to the next paragraph that explains your acceptance and understanding of submitting your photo using this online tool. You must select the check box by clicking in the box to continue with the photo upload process.
I have reviewed the necessary requirements of the government ID photo. I understand that if I submit a photo that does not meet the requirements or is improperly formatted, my application may be delayed until a suitable photo is resubmitted. Your personal information will be deleted from the system once your photo submission is approved.
- Click the "Continue to Step 8" button.
Your photo has been successfully uploaded to our database. Please be sure to monitor your email for updates on the process.
You will be provided a tracking number to track the status of your photo.